Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Other Four Letter Word

Can everyone collectively agree to take that word out of our vocabulary? Okay, not the word entirely, but at least in the wrong context. It diminishes our accomplishments and puts down others. I first started thinking about all this after reading a blog that was circling around on Facebook about being just a nurse. It was originally posted on a blog, but became so popular that it made its way to the Huffington Post. Read the article. It's a good one. Especially if you're a nurse. But the premise is that nurses do a hell of a lot for patients everyday and that by saying you or someone else is "just a nurse" devalues all their hard work.

Another area that it is commonly used is fitness. And I admit that I have been guilty of this. Example: "You look smaller. Have you lost weight?" "Just a few pounds." Or what about this one: "You just got back from a run. How far did you go?" "Oh, just 4 miles." I have totally done this! After it comes out of my mouth, I think "why did I say just?" Remember when I was first thinking about running. There was no way I could have gone out and run 4 miles right away. So why was I now diminishing my accomplishments. And think about the other person. Maybe they just started working out and our excited that they walked an entire mile for the first time. By using that one word, I have unintentionally put down their achievements as well.

What if Kid President had said that he couldn't make a difference because he was just a kid? That would be sad, right? So, celebrate your accomplishments! No matter how small. Use them to remind yourself of how far you've come. Use them to encourage others. But stop using that ugly 4-letter word!

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