Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Alternate Title: Know Your Body... And Don't Be Stupid!

I originally started this post months ago to get on my soapbox related to "juicing" and other ridiculousness, but this morning I read an article on CrossFit and rhabdo and decided to expand the platform a little bit. Not too much though, because I can get on a soapbox about a lot of things. What can I say? I'm really opinionated.

But this is one of those topics that causes me to drop what I'm doing and run across the room to jump on whatever even slightly resembles a soapbox. Because I've been there. Glimpse into my story: there were times when being skinny was more important than being healthy. And I so thankful that God protected me and is changing my mindset. But I think that is part of the reason why I get on a soapbox about people doing ridiculous things. Be healthy! Your health is important. But don't go overboard trying to reach some unattainable, unrealistic goal.

And yes, I know that people can bring me research about all the benefits of juicing and how good it is for your body, but I can assure you that for every article on the benefits of juicing there is another article explaining how it's all complete crap! Because I am thoroughly convinced that you can find information to support anything you want to believe. But come on- juicing?! It's taking perfectly good food and mashing it up to a thinner consistency than baby food. Is it healthy? I mean, if you eat crap all the time and then all of the sudden start juicing some vegetables, then yes it's healthy. Although I will continue to argue that it's the leafy greens that are healthy and not the liquid form that you are pouring down your throat.

And then there are those people that do the 3, 7, 10, whatever number day juice cleanse. Seriously?! Can we call that what it really is? A "trendy" eating disorder. Because don't pretend like you are drinking vegetables for 3 days to "cleanse your body." The God of the universe is a perfectionist! He cares about every minute detail. He knows the amount of sand of the beach and the number of hairs of your head. This is the same God that created each and every cell of your body. That knit you in your mother's womb. Sitting in science class after science class I continued to be amazed at the hand of God. The human body is designed perfectly! All the organs play a role and work together in harmony.

The things that you put into your body are taken and used as needed. What isn't needed is eliminated. God designed it perfectly! And no, this isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want and put anything into your body because it's going to get rid of the bad things anyway. Your body, like everything in your life, is meant to bring glory to God. Be healthy! Listen to your body! Take the best care of it that you can! Don't starve it and don't push it past the point of no return. You don't have to give into the latest trend or hop on every bandwagon just because everyone else is doing it. We are called to steward the things that God has given us- starting with ourselves!

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