Thursday, September 5, 2013


So I'm kinda slacking on this whole blogging thing. I'm exhausted tonight. I even made the executive decision to take the night off and not go for a run tonight because I just wanted to come home and curl up and do nothing and then get to bed early. I'll try again tomorrow. I think the problem is that I have been sleeping in longer than usual and so I don't get my day started appropriately and then I'm just thrown off. Such is life...

Anyway... balance. I am striving for balance in all areas of life. And I kinda suck at it. At least in certain areas. I would like to think that it's gotten better, but I don't really know if it has. Without going into too much detail, I can't do nothing. It's not healthy to do nothing and pretend like things don't exist. But if I try to do something, I worry that it can go to the extreme. And logically, I know that's not healthy either. Just trying to find a middle ground. It's like walking a tightrope!

Love Shawn Johnson and love everything about this picture!! So perfect for this post in so many ways! And so many sweet, unintended reminders! Also, I miss those 4 inches...

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