Tuesday, September 17, 2013

DITL: Work Edition

If you want to read Part 1 and see what my day is life on my off weeks, you can, but it's a whole lot of lying around doing nothing... So here it is. Part 2 of my DITL. Get ready for pure entertainment (or not at all.) A working Monday...

5 am: Sad that my alarm is going off already. Really tempted to push snooze, but I suck it up and get out of bed. Mindlessly walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Pull out the scale and weigh myself. 52% water today, in case you were wondering. I don't really have any idea what that means! Make my bed.

5:15 am: Go downstairs to make breakfast. There are dishes in the sink, which drive me crazy. Turn on the Keurig and load the dishwasher while it's warming up. Start making coffee, wash the rest of the dishes in the sink. All is right in the world again. :) Start breakfast. I made banana nut bread last week since we had a bunch of bad bananas to use up. Heat up a piece- yum! Throw some turkey bacon on the stove. While it's cooking, I start packing my lunch and getting my snacks together.

5:45 am: Curl up in my favorite chair ever! Breakfast, coffee, and a little time in the Word.

6:10 am: Turn on the computer. Skim through the to-do list to see what needs to get done today. Get a little overwhelmed just looking at it, but at least there is fun stuff in store for tonight...

6:30 am: Realize what time it is and that I have to get ready for work! Thankfully, everything is all laid out. Get dressed and throw my workout clothes in a bag. Do my hair and makeup, grab my work bag, my gym bag, my lunch, and snacks and head out the door.

6:50 am: My car won't start. As in, I can't even turn the key. I literally sit in my car for a few minutes. Staring.

6:55 am: Back in the house. Knock on my roommate's door and ask for a ride to work like a little kid. Mentally add more things to do the to do list. Contemplate skipping the gym and going for a run after work instead. I just need to run some frustrations off. Think Grease... "Long. Distance. Running... Cross. Country. Running..."

7:05 am: Get to work. Feeling a little stressed that I am so late and already feel behind. Print out my rounding sheet. They must have discharged a bunch of people over the weekend. Only 10 patients on the list. Read through sign-out from the week before to see what's going on with these people. Look through a couple charts, read some H&Ps, check labs, and make notes.

7:25 am: Get my second cup of coffee for the day and head into morning report...

8:30 am: Out of morning report. Meet with the doc I'm working with this week to run the list. No one is waiting in the ED yet...

8:45 am: Back to my office. Call the insurance company before I get busy and forget. Give him the police report number and a bunch of other information. He gives me a list of a couple preferred body shops. Still trying to figure out when I 'm going to have time to squeeze in getting my car towed to the shop and then get a rental. Blah! Call my mom about body shop options. She tells me a couple places my dad has used before. Call the dealership to try to figure out why my car won't start. Hope that it's just a sensor/safety feature and not that there is more damage than I think. They tell me that everything is probably just locked up and give me some tricks to try.

9:20 am: Finally off the phone and finished with things (for now)! Grab my stethoscope. See if I can see all the old patients on the list before we get any admissions. Wishful thinking...

9:30 am: Start seeing patients, finally! So late! And it seems like everyone wants to talk today.

11 am: Sit down to write some notes.

11:30 am: Realize that I'm really hungry and decide that it's time for a lunch break. Head back to my office to get something to eat. Get paged that there's a patient in the ED waiting to be admitted. Of course. Change of plans. Almost to my office anyway. Grab some almonds and head down to the ED to see the patient.

12:15 pm: Find an empty computer. Put in some quick admission orders to get her into a room. H&P will have to wait until after lunch. Head back to my office to eat lunch for real now.

12:45 pm: Another patient is in the ED. Finish eating, write one more note, and then go back down to the Chest Pain Center.

1:20 pm: Put orders in on this patient. Before I can finish putting in orders, there is another admission in the ED. Finish up orders then go see the third new patient.

2 pm: Finished seeing the third patient. Notice that it's 2 pm and time to pass the admission pager to the residents. At least there won't be any more new ones. Just have to chart on these. And see a few more that were already on the list... Put admission orders in on one more. Dictate an H&P.

2:15 pm: A friend is visiting one of her friends that we have been praying for in Bible study for a while now. Stop by and see her and talk for a little while.

3 pm: Finish seeing the rest of the patients on the list. Sit down and start writing notes.

4 pm: Get a call from one of the floors that a patient isn't doing well. They have already called MRT (the medical response team). Go over and meet MRT on the floor. Check on the patient. Still not looking good. Put in some STAT orders. And an order to transfer her to the ICU. Call the doctor I'm with to meet us on the floor. In and out of the room between me, the doc, MRT, and the nurses.

5:15 pm: Get the patient stabilized and transferred. And finally have a moment to breath. Realize that the gym isn't going to happen. Sad day!

5:30 pm: Back to my office. Finish writing notes. Dictate the other 2 H&Ps. Look over a few more things and try to make sure that everything is finished for tomorrow. It isn't...

7:15 pm: Text an old coworker to see if she can give me a ride home.

7:30 pm: Home. Drop my bag off in the house. Check my car. Try all the tricks that the service department told me. It works! Praise God! My key turns. At least my car is drive-able. Run back in the house and grab a bottle of water and leftovers from this weekend.

7:40 pm: It's been a long day. I really need a hug. After all, hugs are my love language! Get a hug then head out to Bible study. Germantown seems really far away tonight!

8 pm: Get to Bible study and heat up my dinner. Eat while we catch up a little bit and then get into the meat of everything. We're talking about shame tonight. It's a fun one. You know, if fun means really hard. But we have some good conversation. Then talk about prayer requests and fill each other in on life. There are lots of laughs with these women!

10:30 pm: Leave Bible study.

11 pm: Finally home! Did I mention that Germantown is so far away! Immediately get on the computer and check on patients and finish up a few last minute things.

11:20 pm: Just need to relax. Take a bath and read a couple blogs.

11:40 pm: Post a quick blog (which is more than I expected to do...)

12 am: Finally in bed. Exhausted. Ready to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Which means of course that I lie awake for a while before even turning on the sleep cycle app around 12:40. Man, 5am is going to come early. Oy vey!

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