Saturday, May 9, 2015

Like a Chicken With My Head Cut Off

I feel like I'm running around like a crazy person this morning. It's my own fault. I did not plan things out in advance as well as I usually do and now i'm trying to do 800 things all at once. The Type A planner in me is stressed!

I have  a baby shower for a high school friend this morning and then I'm leaving there to drive straight to Nashville for my little brother's graduation and then Mother's Day tomorrow. I'm trying to pack and wrap presents and do laundry and clean my room. I could have had a relatively calm morning, but instead I decided to wake up at 5:30 on my day off because I wanted to get things done. And go for a run. You know, for my sanity.

I woke up to pouring rain so instead of my plans of peaceful, sunny run outside to clear my head, I raced over to the gym and got a couple miles in on the treadmill. Not ideal, but better than nothing. I already feel calmer.

Know what else makes me feel calmer? I took off work Monday. I like to take off random days every once in a while to get things done and I knew with traveling, it would be nice. I know that Nashville is not technically travel. It's only 3 hours away, but, as you know, I am a creature of habit and being gone all weekend, driving home on Sunday afternoon and working the next day stresses me out. I thought having an extra day to get back in my schedule and get things done (like grocery shopping and stuff) would be nice!

So I'm off! I will write all about the weekends happenings next week. Enjoy your weekend!

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