Thursday, July 23, 2015


If you don't read Momastery, you're really missing out! Bookmark it. Add it to your reader of choice. Get ready to enjoy Glennon's hilarious nuggets of wisdom.

One of the many things that I love about Glennon is her realness– her vulnerability. There're two reasons for that. I think it's a human we are drawn to vulnerability and others. And secondly it is something that I can't do. I'm trying. I really am. But the walls are strong and tearing them down peace by piece is hard. And right now I physically do not know how to open up and be vulnerable.

She recently posted a blog about this. While reading it, I was wondering if she had written about me. Go ahead and read it now. Then come back. I'll wait...

This is so MY story. The details are different. Some of the struggles are different. But the story is the same. We are taking turns sharing her testimony for my small group and as people share and as I think about mine, I realize every basic story is the same. We look for our worth in something apart from God. That something may be different in each story, but the basic plot is the same. And we will never find our worth in that- in anything apart from Christ! Jesus wants all of us! He wants us to come as we are.

Guys, this is so hard for me! The "come as you are" stuff. The vulnerability stuff. I don't like it. I want to have a nice beginning, middle, and end. I want to share my struggles once they are better and everything is all tied up in a nice, pretty bow. It's hard to tell my story and the hurts and struggles when I'm still walking through them. But that's how life is. Vulnerability is scary, y'all!

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