Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Want to Go to Bed?

I do!!

This post is late. Sorry.

And it's going to be rant-y. Feel free to skip to a more upbeat read.

I have already talked many times about how I like my routine and my natural habitat. And I wrote last week about being emotional, partially because I have been out of my element and not able to sleep in my own bed. And it is really getting to me! My cousins came back in town on Saturday. Saturday was the first day in 3 1/2 weeks (3 1/2 long weeks). Friday, I got a text from my roommate that said they were redoing the kitchen floors this week and we couldn't walk on the kitchen floor until Wednesday. That is annoying, but not a huge deal because we can get upstairs to our rooms without walking through the kitchen. But then they said that we couldn't be in the house Monday night because of the fumes. More frustrating. as of Monday morning, they hadn't finished the bathroom upstairs. As in, there is no toilet. And we can't get to the other bathrooms without walking on the kitchen floor. So that's another 3 days.

My roommate seemed to be handling it fairly well. I may have dropped the F-bomb. But we already know that I have less than stellar coping skills...

I went home on Saturday and slept at home for 2 nights. On Sunday, we walked around and looked at some of the work that's been done and it's... not great. There are some issues with the cabinets in the bathrooms and the trim around the baseboards. Oh, and the bathroom floor upstairs. The grout looks awful. The tiles are loose. My roommate picked up a tile in the middle of the bathroom. So they are going to have to redo that.

Yesterday morning, I packed my bag for the 800th time and loaded up my car before work. After work, I went to the dentist and then to my parents' house. After cursing being in the car for 18 hours, I tried to relax and unload my car. Turns out my sister and my nieces decided to stay an extra night so they were all at the house. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but after work I want to come home and unwind and not talk to anyone. Instead, I had precious children that wanted to play and talk and be energetic.

I also got the lovely news from my roommate that because of the things that they were going to have to redo, she didn't think that they were doing the floors until today. So I could have stayed their last night after all. I'm just frustrated. I told her that I was at my parents' house and told her to just let me know when I could come home. I'm hoping tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath for anything this week.

I'm so over this. I just want to go home and sleep in my own bed!

*End rant*

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