Monday, January 26, 2015

My (So-Called) Personal Life

Personal goals are the kind of the resolutions that don't fit neatly into another category. I didn't know where else to put them so they ended up here.

#1. I want to travel more. I know that this doesn't necessarily match my financial goals of saving money, but I'm (relatively) young with no attachments so why not? I think my goal is to take 2 trips this year. If I go somewhere cool for the conference and then stay a few extra days to explore, will that count as one of them?

Last year I went to the beach. By myself. And it was glorious! I was able to bike and run and read and eat and lie on the beach to my heart's content. So I'm excited about more trips. Alone or with friends.

#2. Be a better friend. First of all, let me say that I am a horrible friend. I recognize that. Things seem to start off okay and then I get busy or my introversion kicks up a notch and friendships kinda go to hell. Oops! That's one of the many reasons why I am so thankful for my friends. I know that I'm not a good friend, but the friends that are still around and still put up with me in spite of myself are truly gems. But this year, I really do want to focus on being a better friend. Focus on making time to hang out with friends and planning time with friends even when I have been around people all day and want to sink into my couch and not have to talk...

#3. Be selfish. This one sounds crazy. I know. It seems to totally contradict the last resolution, but it really doesn't. Maybe selfish isn't the right word. But I don't really know what the right word is. Or the best way to accomplish this resolution. I think that the ultimate goal of this resolution is to get healthy. To say no to things when I need to and to distance myself when it's the right thing to do. But also to work on being more open and vulnerable. I suck at that! About this time last year, I started going to see a counselor and a few months in... I was a therapy drop out. Because even to a licensed professional that I paid to listen to me and is supposed to listen without judgment, I didn't want to open up. Maybe this year I'll try again.

Where is your favorite place to travel? Where should I add to my list?

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