Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Smiles

And He who is seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also He said, " Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
- Revelation 21:5

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Smiles

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6

Friday, December 18, 2015


When I woke up Sunday morning after St Jude, I felt a whole lot better than I thought I would. I went to church and ran some errands. The weather was in the mid60s again and I was feeling super ambitious. Plus, I thought it may feel good to keep my muscles warm, so I went out for a slow, short run. Then used the foam roller again. Yep, I'm crazy!

After that, I planned to take the week off and give myself a little break. But... I woke up Wednesday morning and had more energy than I thought I would so I went to the gym for a quick treadmill run. Quick being the operative word since the gym doesn't open until 6. I'm still working on that, by the way.

I went to hang out with my cousin this week since I hadn't seen her in a while. We met at the park so Ruthie could play and then I picked up food (from Houston's, obvi) and took it back to her house to eat and played with Ru some more. After bathtime, we snuggled and called VaVa before I left. She's precious! And growing up so fast!

This is the caption I posted on Instagram:
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15

Life isn't always pretty and put together. We are all sinners so sometimes that means we meet each other in the midst of our mess. Life is too hard to do alone. We need community to love fiercely into fight with us and for us--to continually pointless to Christ.

Today I pray for accountability and vulnerability and God faithfully provided. I love you guys and him so grateful to walk through this journey with you @sincerely__ro @holrferg #dtr #BetterThanASteak #titanic

Thursday, December 17, 2015


I am the epitome of an introvert- not because I'm shy and I hate people (I'm not and I don't). But after bailing on 2 Christmas parties in the last 2 weeks, I really started to think about this more. The two points that stick out to me most- and the main reasons I skipped out on the parties: I hate small talk. I loathe it. It is my own personal hell. That's number 1. The second reason is that I recharge and energize alone.

I talk to people all day at work. I love my job, but it can be exhausting, so I am usually worn out when I get home. If close friends want to hang out, I am all for it. Count me in! But people I don't know that well and I'm the first to flee. The first party was with my small group. On a Tuesday night. I had worked all day and knew that I had to get up early the next day. And knew I would have to make lots of small talk. Nope! I'm out!

The second party, I was really planning on going to. I felt like I should. But Friday night after a long work week with more small talk and I just couldn't make myself do it. Sometimes I feel bad about it because I feel like I should get out, but other times I don't care at all. I had a great night on Friday- all by myself and I woke up Saturday morning ready to hang out with people and be social!

Some articles on introversion. Enjoy!

Monday, December 14, 2015


I'm a little behind, but I warned you. I think I have finally caught up on this whole blogging thing. Two weekends ago, I ran the St Jude half. This was my third time to register, second time to run. It got iced out a few years ago. I have been running some, but definitely NOT training like I should have been and long runs were few and far between... Initially my sister and cousins signed up to run with me, but my sister backed out because she hadn't been training and my cousin found out that she was pregnant so she backed out too. And then there was me- and some friends that I knew that were doing it.

Friday after work, I went to the expo and picked up my packet before meeting Hillary at the nailbar for manicures. On the way home, I was starving so I stopped at Chick Fil A. Yep, Chick Fil A was my pre-race meal. So many bad decisions!

I don't usually get race anxiety until I get to the starting line, but I woke up at about 3:45 Saturday morning anxious about the race. Luckily, I was able to go back to sleep for a little while. I woke up around 5 ready to go. Or as ready as I was going to be...

I got dressed, packed a bag with a shirt and shoes to change into afterwards, ate my typical breakfast (toast with peanut butter) and headed downtown. I met up with Sally and we made our way to our corral.

Then we waited around for a while. There were about 2 minutes in between corral starts, so we had some time to waste. There was lots of nervous anticipation.

Then we started. Sally and I ran together for the first 3 or 4 miles before I decided to go ahead. I turned on a podcast once we separated and I just tried to zone out. My initial goal was just to finish. About halfway through, I realized I was actually doing slightly better than I thought I would be.

There were definitely stretches that were harder than others. Things got hard around mile 9. We were running east on Poplar and I kept wondering why we were still going away from the finish line. The thought also went through my head that it would be a shorter distance for me to just run home. But I sucked it up and turned on Madison to finish the course.

My battery was starting to die on my phone around that point, so I turned off the podcast to save some battery. I don't know if that made things better or worse. I just had to listen to my body and how I was feeling. The half and full marathon paths split at mile 11 and I started to get some more energy. Then I met up with another friend at mile 12 which gave me another burst of energy to finish the course.

I finally hit the downhill and ran through the finish line and a old running friend that I haven't seen in a few years was volunteering so she got to give me my medal which was super fun. I met up with Katie and we stretched and drank water and waited for the other girls to finish. It was about 60 degrees and sunny so we just got to bask in the sunlight while we waited. Glorious! We took some finishers pictures before heading up to get some snacks- and pizza!

I think I was more sore after this race than I have been in the past. I don't know if it was the fact that I'm getting older or my lack of training, but I was sore! I came home and took a shower and used my foam roller to work out some of my muscles. Then I crashed on the couch. All day. I took a nap and watched Christmas movies on Lifetime. Just what I needed.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Smiles

Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God forvever and ever, amen!
- Revelation 7:12

Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving Recap

The week leading up to Thanksgiving was pretty busy, so I was really looking forward to some time off. My sister and her family came in town on Tuesday night and my brother and his girlfriend drove in Wednesday night. We all met Thursday morning to run the turkey trot. It was a fun race, but it was harder than it should have been. I'll blame it on the unusually hot weather although I don't think that was it.

After the race, I went back home to get ready and then drove out to my parents' house for dinner.

We hung out for a while when I got there. We taught Marlee how to play Go Fish, which she is now obsessed with, and Ansley ended up falling asleep and sleeping through the meal.

It was a small Thanksgiving this year. Usually my aunt and uncle and cousins all come down, but we all did separate things this year so it was just my immediate family this year. It was a different vibe, but it was kind of nice. Because the weather was so beautiful, we decided to eat outside. We ate and talked and just hung out. Then when the sun went down, my dad started a fire and we sat outside even longer.

I spent the night with my parents that night. My brother and his girlfriend left  early Friday morning to drive to New Orleans for a wedding. The rest of the family just hung out and chilled and basically did the exact opposite of Black Friday shopping. Later in the afternoon, my mom and sister went out to run some errands so I was on kid duty. I encouraged them to come snuggle with me, which led to this...

My sister had to work on Saturday so she and my brother-in-law drove back late Friday afternoon. The girls stayed. My mom took them to see The Good Dinosaur and then I met them at Las Delicias for dinner afterwards.

After dinner, we decided to go see some Christmas lights and then took them to Starry Nights.

It was sprinkling off and on and it was still early so there wasn't much of a crowd. It was a perfect night!

We drove around and looked at the lights, then we stopped over in Mistletoe Village to let the girls get out and look around- and take their picture with Santa.

Such a fun night! My mom drove them back to Nashville the next day, but it was a great, relaxing weekend with family!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday Smiles

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.
- Psalm 136:1

Friday, December 4, 2015


It's blurry, but T-Lex hit 100K miles!

I got back late from Megan's wedding. I didn't want to wake up the girls so I decided to sleep on the couch. Callie usually sleeps on the couch, but I took her spot. When I woke up in the morning, this is where I found her. She is precious!

I had a student all semester at work. She was awesome! She ordered a portable pulse ox online so when it came in, we had a race to 100. I don't think either of us made it...

Katie passed her peds boards so we went out to celebrate! And how else do you celebrate but with champagne!

My gift from Ashley on her last day of clinicals. Did I mention that she's awesome?! A monogrammed corksicle travel mug, a giftcard to the nailbar, and a starbucks card. Yes, please!

This is my third year celebrating #teamjilly and epilepsy awareness. I have talked about it a lot before, but I love Jeannett's blog. And love that I get to join her in supporting this cause. #becausecake

I love Brene Brown. I also love this quote! I'm not good at vulnerability- at all. But I'm working on it. This quote is a good reminder of why it's so necessary!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wedding Festivities

I told you I would write about Megan's wedding. It's just taken me a little longer than I expected...

I took off work on Friday and left Memphis early that morning. I drove straight to the bridesmaid's luncheon. It was a lot of fun. The food was delicious and we got to sit around and laugh and relax together, just the girls.

When I left the lunch, I drove to my sister's house. She was going out of town for the weekend and already had a babysitter lined up, but I got to see her for a little while before she got on the road. Then I went to the rehearsal and came back home to freshen up and change clothes before going to the rehearsal dinner. I rented a dress from Rent the Runway, that I loved, and would totally rent it again, but I somehow didn't get any pictures in it. Boo!

Saturday was the big day! I woke up early and hung out with Marlee while I drank my coffee. She had her last soccer game so I went for the beginning of the game before I left to meet the girls for hair and makeup. Being a girl is hard. Ha!

I was in charge of bringing the alcohol. Obvi. I got a box of wine for them and a bottle of Jack for me. The photographers may have made a comment about how I always had a cup in my hand. No big deal!

After we took wedding party pics, they took some family pictures so the bridesmaids took the opportunity to take some selfies!

The wedding was outside. In November. But the weather wasn't too bad and the ceremony was super short. Then we made a quick getaway to take some more pics and bustle Megan's dress.

We were trying to take a group selfie in the elevator when it jerked and surprised us all!

The reception was in a heated tent. The food was delicious and the dancing was a lot of fun. Everyone got into it and had a good time- including her parents.

We took a quick break to cut the cake and eat some cookies before going back on the dance floor for the rest of the night.

At the end of the night, we said bye to the happy couple and watched them ride off into the distance. I went back to my sister's house to sleep and then left early the next morning- after promising that I would see both of my nieces soon. Marlee and I counted down the days until Thanksgiving and then I got on the road!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Winter is Hard

I am super behind on the whole blogging thing. I blame it on the weather- in addition to multiple other factors. But I hate winter, for real! Less daylight and shorter days. Some days have been totally fine. Other days it is an accomplishment just to get out of bed and make it to work. And I celebrate those accomplishments- even if I spend time counting down the hours until I can go home and get back in bed. Winter is hard!

Last weekend, I was having a particularly rough day. It was the culmination of multiple things running through my head. I finally decided that I had to get out of the house. It didn't really matter where I went, but I had to get away. I drove to the river. I would have kept going, but I had to work the next day. So I sat at the river and watched the sunset. I listened to music. And prayed. I asked Jesus to speak to me. And He so faithfully showed up and met me exactly where I was.

I know that it's not going to be easy. I know that there are still going to be hard days- probably lots of them. On those days, I will celebrate the small accomplishments. The blog will get neglected on those days. Friendships will probably suffer. But I'll make it through. I'll survive. And that's worth celebrating!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday Smiles

Lord, You have searched me and known me.
- Psalm 139:1

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Enjoy your day, everyone! I'll be back next week!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Smiles

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.
- 1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Smiles

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Friday, November 13, 2015


I'm taking off work today and am on the road driving to Nashville for Megan's wedding festivities. I have been trying to get some last minute things done before I go--oil change Wednesday, manicure yesterday. I woke up at 4 to pack this morning!

That being said, I've been busy. So busy that I wore scrubs to work Wednesday* and my docs asked if I had a sleepover the night before.

But when I get busy, the blog is the first thing I slack on. But I will be back next week to talk all about the wedding weekend. I can't promise that it will be Monday, but I'll get to it eventually...

Until then, I'll leave you with this:

* I went to the gym to run on the treadmill before work. The gym doesn't open until 6, so I never get a full workout in and I always feel a little rushed. I didn't get home until 6:35 and still had to shower and didn't feel like getting dressed. Scrubs won. 

** I am really trying to get them to open earlier. Really, really hard!