Thursday, December 17, 2015


I am the epitome of an introvert- not because I'm shy and I hate people (I'm not and I don't). But after bailing on 2 Christmas parties in the last 2 weeks, I really started to think about this more. The two points that stick out to me most- and the main reasons I skipped out on the parties: I hate small talk. I loathe it. It is my own personal hell. That's number 1. The second reason is that I recharge and energize alone.

I talk to people all day at work. I love my job, but it can be exhausting, so I am usually worn out when I get home. If close friends want to hang out, I am all for it. Count me in! But people I don't know that well and I'm the first to flee. The first party was with my small group. On a Tuesday night. I had worked all day and knew that I had to get up early the next day. And knew I would have to make lots of small talk. Nope! I'm out!

The second party, I was really planning on going to. I felt like I should. But Friday night after a long work week with more small talk and I just couldn't make myself do it. Sometimes I feel bad about it because I feel like I should get out, but other times I don't care at all. I had a great night on Friday- all by myself and I woke up Saturday morning ready to hang out with people and be social!

Some articles on introversion. Enjoy!

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