Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Night Shift...

...And other ramblings to keep myself awake.

So, I'm working night shift tonight and tomorrow night. I decided to pick up some shifts so that I wouldn't eat away at ALL of my PTO and they asked if I would do nights so I thought I would try it. I don't sleep that well anyway so why not just stay up and get paid for it! Usually I have no problem taking naps, but today when I actually tried to take a nap, I just hung out in bed staring up at the ceiling... Perfect! So we'll just see how this night goes. Let's play a game called "see how much coffee I can drink..."

By 11 I had charted on all my patients, given medications, and tucked everyone in for the night. So now I sit and wait. Oh yeah I also finished the rest of my chexweb, started on 2 discharges for patients that will probably go home tomorrow, caught up on blogs, and creeped on pinterest. Productive night. Halfway done!

Here's what's left on the to do list for tonight: work on a talent for the Thanksgiving talent show, send some emails, make a packing list for the weekend at the farm, and probably run some stairs.

In other news, today is our 6 month anniversary- kinda. Do you count your anniversary from your first date? Or from the day you started dating? Or when you made things "official"? Too many technicalities. But today is the 6 month anniversary of our first date. So fittingly, we are both working. At different hospitals. Because that makes it more fun... I'll pretend like we kind of, unofficially celebrated this weekend by doing absolutely nothing. We laid around and watched movies and did a whole lot of nothing. And it was perfect! I just love being with him. His epithet would be wonderful! Okay I'll stop being sappy now.

I am uber excited about Thanksgiving! For about 101 different reasons. Family. Food. Fun. The farm. Alliterations. :) Relaxation. I could go on and on. I can't wait!

Okay, the coffee has kicked in and I'm bouncing off the walls. Time to go run some laps. I'll post more later. Possibly tonight...

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