Monday, November 5, 2012


Yep. That's how I've been feeling today. I don't know why. I just can't put my finger on it. So I've been blaming it on the weather. When all else fails, blame the weather. That's my philosophy. That and the fact that I hate cold weather with a passion. And I don't like cold weather clothes either. Everyone talks about how they love wearing sweaters and boots and blah, blah, blah. Give me a sundress and heels any day. But this was not supposed to be a rant about winter.

Things have just been off. I think yesterday shook me. I was so sure. I am so sure. But I don't want something to happen just because I want it to. I go from feeling like "what do I do now?" to feeling like "this is supposed to happen so what does that mean in this situation?" So most of my day has been spent curled up in sweats with a cup of coffee (Yes, I've had a pretty steady flow of coffee all day. Yes, I should probably invest in some decaf. And yes, I am well aware that I will never fall asleep tonight.)
This is my favorite chair. When I saw it at the store I knew I had to get it. It's like it was made for me. It's the perfect chair to curl up in with a good book and read. It's also the perfect chair for a nap. Not that that has happened today due to the steady intake of caffeine.

Anyway, the original point of this post... The Happy Day Project! Today's assignment is to write a letter-a real letter. Not an email or a text, but a real letter that you send in the mail. I'll post later about mine, but I love mail so if you're participating feel free to send me a letter!

In other news, other people that read blogs (Sara and Sally) did it seem like every other person was talking about being tired of being pregnant (Katie and MODG). Why is it that so many of the bloggers I read are nearing the end of their pregnancy/just had a baby??

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