Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 103: Explanation

So, I reread what I posted last night and realized that it was a little vague. And sounded a little bit like I hated my Bible study. Which is totally not true! So let me explain...

I love my Bible study and am so thankful for the girls in it. God has placed them in my life for a reason and I am grateful for that. There has just been a lot going on outside of the group. And pretty much just inside my own head that has been overwhelming. So I just felt like I needed a little room to breath.

And the vagueness: when I first started this blog, I said that I wasn't going to write about anything that I hadn't talked about with other people first. In real life. Face to face. It's easy for me to open up to the faceless masses online. Okay, not easy. It's not easy for me to open up ever. But it's easier. So I told myself that I wasn't going to put anything out there for the world to see that hadn't gone through (at least part of) the inner circle first. So this whole issue has been mentioned to a few people (more in an attempt to vent and get things off my chest) but has not been thoroughly discussed and prayed about with Godly counsel. So until then, no more details. And let's be honest, there probably won't be anymore details after that either.

But I worked all day and then had group tonight and I'm exhausted. Tonight was great. As always. Maybe I'll finally get around to writing a DTR blog soon...

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