Monday, June 5, 2017

When Worlds Collide

A lot has happened in the last week. Most of  it inside my head (per usual). But I have been thinking about things a lot. About how much God has taught me in the past few years. This week I was reminded, once again, that God has a sense of humor. And probably laughs at me a lot. But I was also reminded that He loves me fiercely! He protects me- mostly from myself. He wants what's best for me, even when I don't know what that is. Or I try to fight him on it because I think I know better. Or just because I'm stubborn and want to do things my way even if I know that they are hurtful and destructive and deadly!

And He loves me anyway. More than I could ever ask or imagine. That my friends, is unconditional love. Grace and mercy are incredible things! I have never once regretted my tattoos, but in moments like this I am even more thankful for permanent reminders of mercy and holiness. And thankful for remembrance- that even though I fail again and again, I am reminded of how far I have come. I'm also glad that every once in a while, I can see the humor in situations and laugh with God at this inside joke I call life...

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