Thursday, February 9, 2017

I Graduated!

From therapy. I had my last official therapy session last week! There were hugs and tears and laughs and more tears.

Seriously, if you had told me that I would be in this place 2 years ago when I started therapy, I wouldn't have believed you. It's been a rocky road for sure, but I never thought that I would get to this place! Katherine told me to come up with one word that would describe how I felt at our first session vs how I felt at the last. For the first, I said scared (She said that she would have gone with terrified. Ha!) And for the last, I said open. Open to possibilities and opportunities. There are still a lot of things up in the air. Things that are unsettled. But I feel open to where the Lord is going to take me. There are definitely times that I wish I knew where that was, but until then, I'm willing to take things one step at a time to see where He leads.

Openness is good though. I feel as if I'm starting over, in a way- or at least rewinding the last 15 years or so. Trying to figure out who I am and what I like. And in the process, I may be trying some random things. I might as well try as much as possible so that I can rule things in and out! Feel free to offer some suggestions!

We left the session with an "act as if..." Katherine told me to act as if I were a badass. And to go out a flirt! That seems like a pretty good way to end therapy!

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