Friday, November 6, 2015


I've been going to the gym in the mornings before work. I try to go a few days a week. I just feel so much better and more accomplished when I work out in the mornings. The only negative is that my gym doesn't open until 6, which means that I only have time for super short workouts if I want to get to work on time. Ideally, it would open at 5 so that I actually had time to get a real workout in. Let's see if I can make that happen...

Jamie and I decided to go out for Halloween so we needed to throw together some quick costumes. Masks and handmade bags? Check and check! We went out to grab dinner (in full costume, with our masks) and then we crashed a wedding reception before we headed over to the Rec Room for a Halloween prom. It was a fairly young crowd, but otherwise pretty fun. Not our most successful night. But not our worst either... C+

Halloween 2015: Stealing hearts!

We saw this sign on a restaurant door. Boo! Is this discrimination...?!

I joined the Memphis Nurse Practitioners group. My student convinced me to do it. Then we went to the bimonthly meeting. It was at The Butcher Shop and the food was delicious! But also, this happened. You can't take me anywhere!

After the meeting, I met some friends at Ruth's Chris for drinks- which ended up in super deep conversation. And I shared a secret that I hadn't told these girls in the 6 years that we have been meeting. I wasn't kidding when I said we got deep. I think we can thank blueberry mojitos for that!

I don't usually let this happen, but I had been running around all day the day before and I left Ruth's Chris after 10 and I didn't want to stop for gas then so I decided that I would just wait until the next day. I went to the gas station after work, and this. Don't worry, I made it in time. T-Lex is a beast!

Took a random facebook quiz. Apparently, I really am just as confused as I thought...

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