Thursday, January 2, 2014


Hey, remember me? I have kind of slacked on this whole blogging thing and I always say that I will try and post more and then I don't. So this year I'm not making any promises. It will probably be just as random and sporadic as usual.

Let me just tell you how my year has started. Yesterday, I stayed in my pajamas all day. I took an hour and half long bath (yes, I had to drain some of the water and refill it with hot water multiple times). Spilled water all over my computer. And set off the smoke alarm in the house... twice! #KeepItClassy2014

But I love New Year's! It might be my second favorite holiday (right after St. Patrick's Day, of course). Not New Year's Eve- not the random party where everyone dresses up and pretends like something magical is going to happen at the stroke of midnight. This isn't Cinderella! No, I love the actual new year. New beginnings. And most of all new year's resolutions! It's like one time of year everyone recognizes my superior way of thinking and jumps on the list-making bandwagon with me.

Side note: I bought a new computer today. Mine has been on it's way out for a long time now. It all started when I spilled water on it- about 2 years ago. Since then, the backspace button didn't work. So I just McGuyver'd it for 2 years. Then, it wouldn't work unless it was plugged in (so much for a laptop) and then the fan started sounding like an airplane about to take off. But it was still kicking and I didn't want to spend the money, so I pushed through. Yesterday, I spilled water on it again and then the arrow keys weren't working. I finally gave up and took the plunge. When I went to the store today, the salesman asked me what I used the computer for. Then he started to list options: games, photos, music, video streaming...? I looked at him, 100% serious, and said "I just need my excel spreadsheets for my to do lists!"

But now my new computer is up and running (still trying to come up with a name for her...) and my to do list is ready to go. So, new years resolutions... I like to switch it up some. A couple of years, I had a general theme for the year. Some years I have had a general word for the year. A few years I had the same number of resolutions as the year. This year, I decided to split my resolutions up into 5 general categories: spiritual, social, mental, physical, and financial. Each category has 2 or 3 specific resolutions. I wanted them to be attainable, but not easy. Don't worry, I have a spreadsheet with all of them listed. And then broken down into weekly subgoals. So basically, my new year's resolutions consist of 12 goals that I can update each week with my progress.

I'm not going to list them all here (for various reasons) but a few are: run 500 miles (knocked out 4 this afternoon), read at least 1 book a month (went to the library today. Checked out 5 books...), and put more money in savings ($1 this week, $2 next week, etc.)

So that's what I have. What are some of your resolutions for 2014?

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