Monday, January 27, 2014


I love my job. Seriously. It is one of the only reasons why I am still in Memphis. But it's hard. Working 70-80 hours a week is exhausting. Going at least 5, sometimes 7, days without seeing the sun is miserable.

But there are some positives about it too. I get 7 days off every other week. I never have to use vacation days. I can make appointments without taking off work. I can go to the grocery store at random times through the week and get to avoid traffic most of the time. I mean, I'm going to the beach tomorrow just because...

Having 7 days off at a time isn't all fun and games though. 7 days of down time is a lot of time for my mind to wander. and overthink. But don't worry. I'm working on it. I have another post in the works called #voicesinmyhead and I think it will be a good one...

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