Monday, August 21, 2017

Tidbits of Truth

* I struggle with the desire to document everything so that I have to memories and my desire to just be in the moment and enjoy things. So pictures of the kind of been lacking.

* I went on a date recently. (It doesn't deserve its own post). He was nice, but super bro! He's an attorney – and everything that goes along with that… Dinner was good, but we didn't really click. All that to say, I give them another can't to be asking out again. We'll see...

* I went to The Science of Wine with some friends at the Pink Palace. Science. And wine. My kind of event. It was a lot of fun!

* I thought this whole missing him thing would get easier. I guess it has a little bit. But I still miss him. A lot. Every single day. Things happen all the time but I want to tell him about. Or laugh with him about. Or just vent to him. And so many other reasons. I miss him like whoa!

* I booked my next trip to New York. In October. I'm super excited about it, but I'm also a little nervous that the charm would have worn off. I want to do some things that are off the beaten path. But I'm going with a friend who has never been, so we will have to do some classic New York things too. I'm trying to find a good balance. Any suggestions?

* I'm a 5w4. The iconoclast. The nonconformist and rebel.  When stressed, I disintegrate to a 7. The enthusiast. He's a 3w2. The Charmer. Bad combination!

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