Monday, April 11, 2016

Way, Truth, Life

I read something the other day and it scared me. A lot.

I have talked about Glennon in the past. She has a powerful story and is so vulnerable and honest about her story and how God is working in and through her. But the other day, she posted her response to a letter and it made me sad. And it scared me to think about all the people that read her blog and know her story and are so deeply influenced by her.

Here is a link to the post if you want to read it. But my concern and fear is that it screams pantheism and universalism. I agree with so much of what she says. We are called to love the poor- to care for the widows and orphans. We are called to be gracious and loving and compassionate and to help God's kingdom come here and now on earth as it is in heaven. But our actions are not simply because it is the "right" thing to do. Our actions are a response to the love of Jesus. Because He extends grace to us when we are so unworthy, we in turn are gracious with others. Because He loves us when we are completely unlovable, we respond with overwhelming love towards others. Because He has compassion on us and forgives us even when we sin in unforgivable ways, we can forgive others. If we view everyone like they are made in the image of God (because they are!), think about how much our actions would change!

We don't love out of obligation. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19) But while God is loving and kind, He is very clear that we must worship no other gods. He is a jealous God*. (Exodus 34:14) He is also clear that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6) That's not optional. We are called to daily deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. (Matthew 16:24) It's not easy. It's not always popular. And it can seen exclusive.

I get it. There are a lot of people out there that claim the name of Christian, but are not living out the gospel. That can be confusing at best, and polarizing, to nonbelievers. There are also a lot of pharisaical people who are trying their best to live out "religion" without God. Those people have always been around. Jesus speaks directly to them throughout the New Testament. That can definitely turn people off from what they think Christianity is.

I understand that Christianity is not "politically correct" because it is not accepting of all viewpoints and ideas and journeys. And so I understand that Glennon doesn't want to offend anyone. But what she's doing is dangerous! Her influence scares me.

Jesus clearly says in Matthew 7 that there will be people that call Him Lord and that claimed to do good and perform miracles in His name that at the end of their lives will hear Him say "depart from Me. I did not know you." (Matthew 7:21-23) That scares me. It causes me to reflect on my own life and my actions and motives.

We will all stand before the Father and give an account of our lives. I pray that I live a life marked by the love of Jesus- a gospel-centered life. I pray that I can stand before the Lord and hear Him say "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:21)

* I am very jealous! But I just remind myself that I, too, am made in the image of God and therefore share His characteristics. :)

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! Love you and your heart! So proud to call you my friend.
