Thursday, March 9, 2017

20 Questions

So, one of the blogs I read posted her answers to 20 questions and asked people to join in and answer so here they are...

1. Do you like blue cheese?
Nope. Next question!

2. What flavor Kool-Aid?
I don't remember the last time I had kool-aid. It's been years, but I'll go with red. (Is that a flavor...?)

3. Do you get nervous before a doctor's appointment?
Also don't remember the last time I've been to the doctor. Oops! But no; no nerves.

4. What do you think of hot dogs?
How is one supposed to answer this?! The remind me of summer and baseball and grilling out so overall, I'm a fan.

5. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee. Obvi.

6. Can you do a push-up?
Yep. Don't worry, I just did a few in my office floor to confirm. But I can't do as many as I used to be able to and that makes me sad. Push-up challenge coming soon...

7. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I have no idea. I never take off my James Avery ring. And I love my Ekata earrings. I don't wear a ton of jewelry.

8. Do you have a hobby?
Not as much as I would like. That is a longer story than I have time for right now, but maybe I'll do a whole post on it eventually. Remember how I wrote about contentment? Ha!
But as far as hobbies go: running, reading, organizing (really!), playing with Molly.

9. Do you wear glasses?
No. But I love glasses so I really wish I did! I have 20/15 vision and have even opted out of vision insurance for the past few years, but I seriously love glasses, so this makes me kind of sad.

10. Who was your childhood idol?
I have no idea... Shannon Miller...?

11. Name three drinks you drink regularly?
Coffee, water, and wine.

12. Favorite place to be?
I'm torn. I'm going to Seaside next week, but also Manhattan!

13. How did you bring in the new year?
I honestly had to think about this for a second because I didn't remember. I hung out with some friends at their house. We were all tired (and old) so we rang in the new year with the ball drop in Times Square and I was home by 11:15. Ha!

14. Where would you like to go?
See #12.

15. Do you own slippers?
No. I used to, but not anymore. I usually just wear socks around the house. Or Uggs. Or real shoes so that I can go outside with Molly when she wants to play.

16. Can you whistle?

17. Last thing that made you laugh?
I don't know. Probably something really corny, like a pun. I love a good, nerdy pun!

18. What is your favorite animal?
Molly, of course. But other than her, giraffes. Or elephants. I really like the African Veldt at the zoo.

19. Worst pain?
I want to say something super profound like a broken heart or unrequited love, but probably something like stubbing your toe. Or kidney stones. I hear those are pretty painful.

20. Do you like to dance?
Always. Everyday.

So there you go! Feel free to join along!

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